For over forty years, Able Sales has been handling bulk raw materials for the food and pharmaceutical industries in the Caribbean. We adhere to strict quality control procedures to ensure traceability and avoid any risk of contamination or loss of product. We have proven ourselves over and over again to be adept at providing our customers a high level of services and provide efficiencies in our pricing and procedures to a large range of manufacturing clients.
Able is an expert in global bulk and
finished product movements including:
Trucking & Rail Logistics

Ocean Freights

Transfers & Consolidation

Our Warehouse services include
C&C Bulk Liquid Transfer, Inc. (C&C) is our Food Grade Bulk Transfer Terminal located in Jacksonville, FL. A new 38- acre facility located near the JAXPORTs of Blount Island and Dames Point.The facility has +6,500 feet of working rail track that will accommodate 130+rail cars. C&C has the experience and equipment to provide transfer 130+from liquid rail cars to tank trailers, ISO containers, Bag-in-a-Box, drums, totes, etc. Dry bulk transfers from railcar to dry bulk trailers or containers can also be accommodated.